SF 113G Form – Monthly Report of Full-Time Equivalent/Work Year Civilian Employment

SFFORMS.COMSF 113G Form – Monthly Report of Full-Time Equivalent/Work Year Civilian Employment – Civilian employment is the total number of people who are employed by federal, state and local governments combined. This report provides a monthly update of full-time equivalent work year civilian employment. The report includes employment by industry, occupational group and sex.

Download SF 113G Form – Monthly Report of Full-Time Equivalent/Work Year Civilian Employment

Form Number SF 113G Form
Form Title Monthly Report of Full-Time Equivalent/Work Year Civilian Employment
File Size 23 KB
Date 07/1997

What is a SF 113G Form?

The SF 113G form is a monthly report that provides information about civilian employees who work full-time in various government agencies. It collects data on the number of personnel employed, their job classifications, and the amount of time they spend working each month. This information helps to monitor and manage workforce utilization in government organizations.

Filling out the SF 113G form is mandatory for all federal agencies and must be submitted to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) before or on the 10th day following each reporting month. Failure to submit these reports on time can result in penalties or other disciplinary actions. The data collected from these forms is used to evaluate how well agencies are managing their workforce, allocate resources more effectively, and identify areas where additional training may be needed.

In conclusion, submitting an accurate SF 113G form is essential for any federal agency that wants to maintain effective workforce management practices. By providing detailed information about employee utilization each month, this report helps government organizations make informed decisions that benefit both employees and taxpayers alike.

What is the Purpose of SF 113G Form?

The SF 113G form is a monthly report that tracks the full-time equivalent work year (FTE) of civilian employees. This form is used by federal agencies to provide accurate data on the FTEs of their employees and ensure that they are within budgetary limits. The purpose of this form is to make sure that agency personnel comply with staffing levels and to monitor their workforce.

The SF 113G form must be submitted every month by federal agencies as part of their budgeting process. It provides important data on the number of hours worked by each employee, which can then be used to determine how much funding an agency needs for staffing needs in the upcoming fiscal year. By using this information, agencies can ensure that they stay within budgetary constraints while still maintaining appropriate levels of staff.

Overall, the SF 113G form serves as a critical tool for federal agencies to manage their workforce effectively and efficiently. By accurately tracking FTEs, it ensures that agency personnel remain compliant with staffing levels while providing crucial data for budgeting purposes.

Where Can I Find a SF 113G Form?

If you’re looking for an SF 113G form, there are a few places where you can find it. The easiest and most straightforward method is to visit the official website of the US Office of Personnel Management (OPM). You can download a blank copy of the form directly from their website.

Another option is to request a copy from your employer’s human resources department or payroll office. They should have copies of all necessary forms and may be able to provide one upon request.

If neither of these options works for you, try visiting your local government agency that handles civil service matters. They may have copies available or be able to direct you to where you can obtain one.

Regardless of how you obtain the SF 113G form, make sure that all information is filled out accurately and completely before submitting it. This report is essential in tracking full-time equivalent work year civilian employment across various agencies within the federal government, so accuracy is key.

SF 113G Form – Monthly Report of Full-Time Equivalent/Work Year Civilian Employment

The SF 113G Form is a document used by the United States government to report on the full-time equivalent work year civilian employment. This monthly report is required for all executive branch agencies and must be submitted to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). The purpose of this form is to provide accurate data on an agency’s workforce, which can be used to evaluate staffing levels, identify trends, and make informed decisions about future hiring and resource allocation.

The SF 113G Form requires detailed information about each employee, including their job title, pay grade, hours worked per week, and whether they are classified as full-time or part-time. It also includes sections for reporting on positions that are vacant or expected to become vacant in the near future. Agencies must submit this form within ten calendar days after the end of each month.

Overall, the SF 113G Form is an important tool for tracking workforce data within government agencies. It helps ensure that agencies have accurate information about their employees and can make informed decisions about staffing levels and resource allocation based on real-world data. By providing a clear picture of an agency’s workforce makeup, this form ultimately contributes to more effective management practices and better outcomes for both employees and stakeholders alike.

SF 113G Form Example