SFFORMS.COM – SF 135instr Form – Instructions for SF135 form – The SF-135, or “Service member information form,” is a government-required form used to gather basic information about service members. The information collected on the SF-135 can be used to determine eligibility for certain benefits and services, and to administer discharge ceremonies. The SF-135 can be downloaded from the Department of Defense website, or obtained at your nearest military installation.
Download SF 135instr Form – Instructions for SF135 form
Form Number | SF 135instr Form |
Form Title | Instructions for SF135 form |
File Size | 61 KB |
Date | 07/1985 |
What is an SF 135instr Form?
The SF 135instr form is an essential document for any federal agency that manages records. It provides instructions on how to complete the SF 135 form, which is used to transfer permanent records from one federal agency to another or from a federal agency to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). The SF 135instr form contains detailed information about how to fill out each section of the SF 135 form correctly.
The SF 135instr form is designed to ensure that all necessary information is captured accurately when transferring records. This includes details such as the name of the sending and receiving agencies, descriptions of the records being transferred, and any special handling instructions. Failure to complete these forms correctly can result in delays or even loss of important documentation.
Federal agencies are required by law to manage their records effectively, including ensuring proper transfer of permanent records. Therefore, it’s crucial that staff responsible for managing these transfers understands how to use both the SF 135instr and SF 135 forms accurately. By following the instructions provided in these documents, agencies can ensure they comply with legal requirements while also safeguarding valuable historical documentation.
What is the Purpose of SF 135instr Form?
The SF 135instr form is an instruction manual for the SF-135 form, which is used for transferring records from one agency to another. The purpose of the SF-135 form is to provide a standardized record transfer request process that ensures accountability and proper documentation during the transfer process.
The SF 135instr form provides detailed instructions on how to complete the SF-135 form correctly. It includes information on who can submit a request, what types of records can be transferred, and how to properly label and package records for shipment. Additionally, it outlines mandatory reporting requirements for agencies receiving transferred records.
In summary, the purpose of the SF 135instr form is to ensure that record transfers between federal agencies are conducted in a consistent and organized manner. By following these guidelines, agencies can maintain accurate records while promoting transparency and accountability in government operations.
Where Can I Find an SF 135instr Form?
The SF 135instr form is the instruction manual for filling out the SF135 form, also known as the Records Transmittal and Receipt. The SF 135instr provides guidelines on how to complete different sections of the SF135 form, such as identifying the transferring agency or organization, listing all records being transferred, providing details about each record, and indicating any restrictions on access or use.
To obtain a copy of the SF 135instr form, you can search for it online at the official website of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). The NARA website offers various forms that you can download in PDF format, including the SF 135instr. Simply enter “SF 135instr” in the search bar to find it. Alternatively, you may request a physical copy by contacting your local NARA office.
It’s important to note that while following instructions outlined in SF 135instr is crucial for filling out an accurate SF135 form, if you have any doubts or questions about completing it correctly – especially if your organization will be held responsible for compliance with applicable laws governing records management – seeking legal advice related directly to your situation is always recommended.
SF 135instr Form – Instructions for SF135 form
The SF 135instr form is an essential document that provides instructions on how to complete the SF135 form. The SF135 form is used to transfer records from one government agency to another or from one storage facility to another. The instructions provided in the SF 135instr form are critical as they ensure that all necessary information is included in the SF135 form and that it complies with all legal and regulatory requirements.
The instructions provided on the SF 135instr form include details about who can initiate a record transfer, what types of records can be transferred using this form, and how to complete each section of the form accurately. Additionally, there are specific instructions for completing unique situations such as transferring classified records or electronic media. It’s crucial to carefully read and follow these detailed instructions while filling out the SF 135 Form.
In conclusion, the SF 135instr Form is necessary for anyone who needs to transfer records between government agencies or storage facilities. Without these detailed instructions, there could be errors in completing the forms which would result in delays or even rejection of your request altogether. Therefore, it’s highly recommended that users take their time understanding each detail outlined in this important document before attempting to complete an SF135 Form.
SF 135instr Form Example