SF714 Form – Financial Disclosure Report

SFFORMS.COMSF714 Form – Financial Disclosure Report – The SF714 Form, also known as the Financial Disclosure Report, is a document required by federal government employees to report any financial interests or potential conflicts of interest that could arise from their official duties. The form provides transparency and accountability for public officials by revealing any potential conflicts that may affect their decision-making abilities.

Download SF714 Form – Financial Disclosure Report

Form Number SF714 Form
Form Title Financial Disclosure Report
File Size 626 KB
Date 07/2022

What is a SF714 Form?

A SF714 form is a financial disclosure report required by the US government for certain individuals who hold positions of public trust. This form is mandated by Executive Order 12674, which requires all federal employees in sensitive positions to disclose their financial holdings and interests. The purpose of the SF714 form is to prevent conflicts of interest or the appearance of impropriety that may arise from a federal employee’s outside business interests.

The SF714 form requires detailed information about an individual’s sources of income, assets, liabilities, and investments. It also requires disclosure of any payments received for speeches or attendance at conferences related to the employee’s official duties. In addition, the form must be updated annually and whenever there is a significant change in the employee’s finances.

Failure to complete or falsification of an SF714 form can result in disciplinary action up to and including termination from employment. However, it should be noted that not all federal employees are required to file this report; only those in sensitive positions that involve access to classified information or decision-making authority over contracts and grants are subject to this requirement.

What is the Purpose of SF714 Form?

The SF714 form, also known as the Financial Disclosure Report, is a document required by the US government from certain federal officials and employees. The purpose of the form is to disclose assets, income, liabilities, and transactions with potential conflicts of interest that could impact their official duties. This report allows government agencies to identify any financial interests that may influence an individual’s actions or decisions.

The SF714 form applies to individuals holding positions at GS-15 level or higher, and other high-level positions such as political appointees. It must be filed annually within 30 days after assuming a covered position and within 30 days after leaving a covered position. Failure to file or submitting incomplete information can result in penalties or even termination.

Overall, the SF714 form serves as a tool for maintaining transparency and ensuring ethical behavior among federal officials and employees. By requiring these disclosures, it helps prevent potential conflicts of interest that could undermine public trust in government institutions and promotes accountability among those who hold positions of power and responsibility.

Where Can I Find an SF714 Form?

The SF714 Form is a vital document that is used by government employees and their family members to disclose financial information related to their employment. The form provides details about the assets, liabilities, income, and transactions of the employee or their spouse/domestic partner. It’s important for individuals to complete this form accurately and in a timely manner as it helps to promote transparency in government.

If you’re looking for an SF714 Form, there are several places where you can find it. One option is to visit your agency’s Human Resources (HR) department or contact your HR representative directly. They should be able to provide you with the necessary forms and assist you with any questions or concerns that may arise.

Another option is to visit the official website of the Office of Government Ethics (OGE). The OGE provides access to various forms including the SF714 Form which can be downloaded directly from their website. It’s important to note that some agencies may have specific instructions or requirements when completing this form so it’s always best to consult with your HR representative before submitting it.

SF714 Form – Financial Disclosure Report

The SF714 form is a financial disclosure report that is required for all Executive Branch employees, including those in the White House. This report provides information on the assets, liabilities, and income of these individuals and their immediate family members. The purpose of this form is to ensure transparency and prevent conflicts of interest.

The SF714 form requires detailed information on a variety of financial holdings, such as stocks, real estate investments, and bank accounts. Additionally, it requires disclosure of any debts or liabilities owed by the employee or their family members. This information allows for an assessment of potential conflicts of interest and helps to maintain integrity within government operations.

Overall, the SF714 form plays a crucial role in promoting ethical behavior among public officials by requiring them to disclose their financial interests. As part of an ongoing commitment to transparency in government operations, this requirement ensures that public servants are held accountable for their actions while serving in positions of power.

SF714 Form Example

SF714 Form - Financial Disclosure Report Part 1
SF714 Form – Financial Disclosure Report Part 1
SF714 Form - Financial Disclosure Report part 2
SF714 Form – Financial Disclosure Report part 2